Monday, October 22, 2007

The Seven Habits of Truly Miserable People

Correct me if I am wrong but isn't this what politicians do all the time?
clipped from
And what are the seven deadlies? They are punishing, complaining, blaming,
threatening, nagging, criticizing, and bribing. <BR><BR>Unfortunately, a lot of
us use the seven deadlies, as Dr. Glasser calls them, without even realizing it.
<BR><BR>Your younger sister spends an hour making the salad for dinner, and you
criticize her choice of ingredients as unhealthy. You say that you just want her
to live long and prosper, but is that really your objective? Or are you trying
to control her? Your husband rarely mops up the bathroom sink after he shaves.
So just about every morning you complain, "This sink is a mess!" and blame, "I'm
never on time for work, because I have to clean it up!" Oh really? Or are you
trying to force him to clean up the sink
 blog it

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